The Writing Life

Writings, and writing about writing.

The surprising thing I learned from joining a podcast

I’m a writer. I like to be read, not heard. I’ve always felt most comfortable behind the scenes. Sort of the phantom in the opera house. The woman in the attic. The ghoul under the bridge. Pick your creepy 19th-century metaphor. I feel more at ease with a keyboard than a megaphone. But over the

The surprising thing I learned from joining a podcast Read More »

A quick way to prepare for writing success in the new year

This article originally appeared in the newsletter of the Phoenix Screenwriters Association. To sign up for their newsletters, filled with screenwriting tips and industry news, go here. The start of a new year is a good time to sit and ruminate on yourself, your writing, and the state of your life. Okay, maybe writers excel

A quick way to prepare for writing success in the new year Read More »

Eight tools from fiction to make you a better screenwriter

This article originally appeared in the newsletter of the Phoenix Screenwriters Association. To sign up for their newsletters, filled with screenwriting tips and industry news, go here. After studying and practicing screenwriting for years, and working in TV development in Los Angeles, I decided to try something new, and wrote my first novel, The Plus

Eight tools from fiction to make you a better screenwriter Read More »

The Two Types of Suspense, and How to Create Them

Even if you’re not writing a story that one would typically think of as suspenseful—say a mystery, or thriller, or horror piece—you probably do want to keep your readers in suspense. Think of suspense as the invisible fishing wire pulling readers through from paragraph to paragraph, chapter to chapter. If your readers aren’t anticipating something,

The Two Types of Suspense, and How to Create Them Read More »

The Funnel: One simple approach for going from blank page to book

So you’ve decided to write a book. So you’re staring at a blank Word document. So what now? In my last post, I talked about the paradox of creativity: that sometimes putting restrictions on the writing process can push you to tap into your imagination. That article includes my thoughts on why this works, as

The Funnel: One simple approach for going from blank page to book Read More »

Why to join a writers’ group – and how

This article was originally written as a guest post for the Charlotte Readers Podcast. Visit their blog for more literary reflections from a variety of writers! There’s a stereotype that writers are solitary creatures whose only contact with the outside world is to gaze contemplatively out windows. I can confirm this from personal experience. Yes,

Why to join a writers’ group – and how Read More »